How To Print a Secured PDF

Printing a secured PDF is not as difficult as you think. It’s just a matter of using the right software and knowing how to use it. In this post, I will explain how to print secured PDF files with various options available for both Windows and Mac OS X users.

Copy the PDF file to your local drive.

The reason for copying the PDF file to your local drive is that you can use any software of your choice to open it. You don’t need Adobe Acrobat Reader (which is known as a secured PDF reader) in order to open or print the file. Open the PDF file in your preferred software. This should be easy if you copied it to your local drive. Most of the popular word processing programs, such as Microsoft Word and OpenOffice Writer, can open PDF files out of the box.

  • Copy the PDF file to your local drive.
  • Open the PDF in a PDF viewer application, such as Adobe Acrobat or Preview on MacOS or Windows 10, respectively.
  • Print from there and when done, go back to your browser and close the page.
Open the file.

It is important to open the file in your preferred PDF viewer software. As an example, Adobe Acrobat is the most popular PDF reader on the market and it’s used by professionals in a variety of industries. In order to open a PDF file using this application, simply double-click on it from your desktop or find it in your applications folder and click once again. If you have Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer, it may automatically open. If not, simply find the application on your computer and click once more. The PDF file will open in Acrobat and you can begin reading it immediately.

To open a secured PDF, you will need to use one of these programs:
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (for Windows) or Mac OS X 10.6 or later
  • Foxit Reader (for Windows) or Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite and higher
  • SumatraPDF (for Windows) or Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion and higher

Pro tip: Our tool helps you combine multiple files into a single document without facing any restrictions.

Choose the print option from the PDF viewer application menu.

Choose the print option from the PDF viewer application menu. How you do this depends on the PDF viewer you are using, but it will usually be found under a button with a printer icon. When the print menu opens, select the “Fit to page” option. This will shrink the document so that it fits on one page without cutting anything off. You can then print the single page PDF file and read it easily on your computer screen or mobile device.

If you are using SumatraPDF, click the “Fit to page” button in the upper-right corner of your screen. You can also find this button in any other PDF reader by clicking on “View” and then selecting “Fit to page.” This will shrink the document so that it fits on one page without cutting anything off. You can then print the single page PDF file and read it easily on your computer screen or mobile device.

Save your document to your computer, open it up again and double check that all of your edits have been saved correctly by clicking “Save.” You can now go ahead with printing!

Select the printer you wish to use.

It is important to choose the correct printer because some printers are better than others and some have different settings, such as the amount of ink used. You may find that printing one page at a time is more efficient than printing the entire document in one go.

Select the printer you wish to use. If you don’t see the printer you want, click the “more printers” link at the bottom of your list. You can also use the “choose a different printer” option on this screen.

When done, go back to your browser and close the page.

When done, go back to your browser and close the page. If you don’t, you will get a message saying that it is still printing.

You can also print multiple PDF files at once. You can print PDF files from your computer or from the cloud.


Now you should be able to print your secured PDF file. It’s important that you remember not to open this file until you’re ready for others to see its contents.

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