7 Tips for Crafting Inclusive Web Design to Improve User Experience

With more and more consumers turning to the internet to connect with brands and make purchases, it’s essential to create a website that’s inclusive and accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.

An inclusive web design can help you create a positive first impression with your customers and ensure that they can navigate your website with ease. It not only improves the user experience and search engine optimization, but can also have a positive impact on your business by increasing customer satisfaction, loyalty, and sales.

Let’s dive in and learn more about why inclusive web design is crucial for your business.

The Benefits of Inclusive Web Design for Business

Inclusive web design is essential for improving the user experience and SEO, but it’s also important to note that it can positively impact your business in many ways.

Here are some of the benefits of an inclusive web design

Increased market reach

People with disabilities are more likely to purchase products and services from businesses that prioritize accessibility and inclusivity. When businesses design their website with these users in mind, they are demonstrating a commitment to providing equal access and an excellent user experience for everyone.

This not only benefits individuals with disabilities but also helps differentiate the business from its competitors and can improve customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Cost savings

Although some businesses may be hesitant to invest in inclusive web design due to cost concerns, the truth is that designing an accessible website can actually save money in the long run. Businesses can avoid costly redesigns or legal fees down the line. Retrofitting a website to make it accessible can be an expensive and time-consuming process, especially if the website has already been launched and has a lot of content.

Inclusive web design also leads to more efficient website maintenance and updates, which can save businesses time and money. A website that is designed with accessibility in mind is more likely to be compatible with different devices and technologies, reducing the need for constant updates and maintenance.

Improved brand reputation

Prioritizing inclusive web design can also have a positive impact on a business’s brand reputation. When a business demonstrates a commitment to accessibility and inclusivity, it shows its customers that it cares about their needs and is dedicated to providing an excellent user experience for everyone. This can help build trust and loyalty with customers and improve a business’s overall reputation.

7 Tips for Designing an Inclusive Website

So, how can you craft inclusive web design that improves the user experience and impacts the overall cost of your digital marketing strategy? Here are seven tips to get you started:

1.      Understand Your Audience

Before you begin designing your website, it’s important to understand your audience. This includes identifying their needs, preferences, and any potential barriers they may face when accessing your website. You can design your website with their needs in mind, ensuring that everyone can easily navigate your website and find the information they need.

2.      Use Accessible Color Contrast

Color contrast is an important aspect of web design, as it can affect the readability and usability of your website. For users with visual impairments, low color contrast can make it difficult to read text and distinguish between different elements on the page.

3.      Provide Alternative Text for Images

Alternative text, also known as alt text, is a description of an image that is read by screen readers. For users with visual impairments, alt text is essential for understanding the content of an image.

4.      Make Sure Your Website is Keyboard Accessible

For users with mobility impairments, using a mouse or trackpad can be difficult or impossible. It’s important to design your website to be keyboard accessible, so you can ensure that all users can navigate your website using only their keyboard. This includes making sure that all interactive elements, such as buttons and links, can be accessed and activated using the keyboard.

5.      Provide Captions and Transcripts for Multimedia

Multimedia, such as videos and podcasts, can be inaccessible to users with hearing impairments. With this,  you can ensure that all users can access the information presented in these formats. Additionally, providing captions and transcripts can improve the overall user experience by making it easier for users to understand and engage with your content.

6.      Use Clear and Concise Language

Clear and concise language is essential for ensuring that all users can understand the content on your website. This includes using simple language and avoiding jargon and technical terms that may be unfamiliar to some users. By using clear and concise language, you can ensure that all users can access and understand the information on your website.

7.      Test Your Website for Accessibility

Finally, it’s important to test your website for accessibility. This includes using tools such as screen readers and keyboard-only navigation to ensure that your website is accessible to all users. Identify and address any barriers that may prevent users from accessing your website.

How to Measure the Success of Inclusive Web Design

Crafting an inclusive website is only half the battle – it’s equally important to track and measure its success to ensure that it’s meeting its intended goals. Here are a few metrics to consider when evaluating the success of your inclusive web design:

1.      Accessibility compliance

Use accessibility evaluation tools to check if your website meets accessibility guidelines, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). This can help identify areas for improvement and ensure that your website is accessible to all users.

2.      User feedback

Collect feedback from users with disabilities to gauge their experience using your website. This can be done through surveys, user testing, or focus groups. Use their feedback to make improvements and ensure that your website is truly inclusive.

3.      Conversions

Track the conversion rate of users with disabilities compared to the overall conversion rate. If users with disabilities are converting at a lower rate, it could be a sign that your website is not fully inclusive and requires further improvements.

4.      Return on investment (ROI)

Evaluate the ROI of your inclusive web design by comparing the cost of designing an accessible website to the revenue generated from users with disabilities. This can help demonstrate the value of inclusive web design to stakeholders and decision-makers within your organization.


To ensure an inclusive web design, businesses should follow the tips mentioned in this article, such as using clear and concise language, providing alternative text for images and videos, and ensuring that website navigation is easy to use for everyone.

It’s important for businesses to remember that inclusivity is not just a checkbox to mark off but a continuous effort to create a welcoming environment for all users. Businesses can not only improve their online presence but also make a positive impact on their customers and community.

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